Mounting Flange
SKU# 5150524
Plastic Tool Head Mounting Flange / Requires Plastic Tool Head
The plastic tool head mounting flange is used to mount the plastic tool head accessory to a tire changer. Help protect expensive alloy wheels from marring or damage when mounting on a tire changer with the plastic tool head and mounting flange.

The mounting flange is made of hardened steel and used to mount the non-marring Plastic Tool Head accessory directly to your tire changer. When purchasing the plastic tool head, the mounting flange is also required in order to use correctly. Protect your customer's expensive alloy wheels from damage and ensure a successful mounting procedure with the plastic tool head and mounting flange tire changer accessory.
Requires and is used with the Plastic Tool Head (sold separately).
- Hardened steel
- Includes all mounting hardware
- Requires and is used with the plastic mounting head